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Prevajalske storitve in jezikovno izobraževnje - translation agency and language school

7 days ago

📅 Konec leta 2024 smo zaključili na sestanku Pomurske gospodarske zbornice (PGZ), kjer smo predstavili naše pravajlsko podjetje in kjer smo z udeleženci delili:🌍✨🔹 Naše dolgoletne izkušnje na področju prevajanja.🔹 Potek tipičnega prevajalskega projekta in razlike med različnimi vrstami storitev.🔹 Posebej pa smo pa tudi izpostavili strojne prevode (machine translation) in prevajanje s pomočjo umetne inteligence (ChatGPT), ki postajata vedno bolj priljubljena tema.💡 Vzpostavili smo odlično debato o prednostih sodobne tehnologije ter hkrati opozorili na pomen kakovostnih prevodov, ki jih (zaenkrat) strojni prevodi in AI še ne morejo popolnoma zagotoviti.Hvala PGZ za povabilo in vsem prisotnim za zanimive pogovore! 🤝💬#preteks #prevajanje #strojniprevodi #umetnainteligenca #PGZ #kakovostprevodov #pomurje #prevajalskestoritve📅 At the end of 2024, we closed at a meeting of the Pomurje Chamber of Commerce (PGZ), where we presented our translation company and shared with the participants the following: 🌍✨We highlighted:🔹 Our many years of experience in translation services.🔹 The process of a typical translation project and the differences between various types of services.🔹 A focus on machine translation and AI-assisted translation (ChatGPT), increasingly popular topics.💡 We had a great discussion about the benefits of modern technology while emphasizing the importance of high-quality translations, which machine translation and AI (for now) cannot fully deliver.Thank you, PGZ, for the invitation and to all participants for the engaging conversations! 🤝💬#preteks #translation #MachineTranslation #artificialintelligence #PGZ #QualityTranslations #pomurje #translationservices ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

✨🎆 Dragi prijatelji in poslovni partnerji, 🎆✨ob zaključku leta se želimo zahvaliti za vse trenutke sodelovanja, podporo in zaupanje, ki ste nam jih izkazali. Vaša prisotnost v naši zgodbi nas navdihuje in motivira za prihodnost. 💛🌟Naj bo leto 2025 polno zdravja, radosti in uspehov – tako osebnih kot poslovnih. Naj vam prinese nove priložnosti, pogum za uresničevanje sanj in obilico nepozabnih trenutkov. 🎉🎇Srečno in uspešno novo leto vam želi kolektiv prevajalskega podjetja Preteks! 🥂✨#srečnonovoleto #preteks #prevajalskestoritve #zaupanjeinhvaležnost #leto2025✨🎆 Dear friends and business partners, 🎆✨As the year comes to an end, we want to thank you for every moment of collaboration, support, and trust you have shown us. Your presence in our journey inspires and motivates us for the future. 💛🌟May 2025 be filled with health, joy, and success – both personal and professional. May it bring you new opportunities, the courage to pursue your dreams, and countless unforgettable moments. 🎉🎇Wishing you a happy and prosperous New Year from the team at Preteks translation company! 🥂✨#HappyNewYear #preteks #translationservices #gratitudeandtrust #year2025 ... See MoreSee Less
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3 weeks ago

🎄✨ Dragi prijatelji in poslovni partnerji, ✨🎄božični čas je čas topline, miru in bližine. Ob tej priložnosti se vam iskreno zahvaljujemo za zaupanje in sodelovanje ter za to, da ste del naše zgodbe. 💛🎁Naj bo ta božič prežet s čarobnimi trenutki, veseljem in srečo, ki jih delite s svojimi najdražjimi. 🎅🎄 Naj se v vašem domu začuti duh praznikov, ki napolni srce z ljubeznijo in hvaležnostjo.Vesel in blagoslovljen božič vam iz srca želi kolektiv prevajalskega podjetja Preteks! 🌟✨#veselbožič #preteks #prevajalskestoritve #hvaležnost #prazničnovzdušje🎄✨ Dear friends and business partners, ✨🎄Christmas is a time of warmth, peace, and togetherness. On this special occasion, we sincerely thank you for your trust, collaboration, and for being part of our story. 💛🎁May this Christmas be filled with magical moments, joy, and happiness shared with your loved ones. 🎅🎄 May the festive spirit bring love and gratitude to your heart and home.Wishing you a Merry and Blessed Christmas from the team at Preteks translation company! 🌟✨#merrychristmas #preteks #translationservices #gratitude #FestiveSpirit ... See MoreSee Less
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3 weeks ago

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2 months ago

📖✨ Včeraj smo praznovali Dan reformacije31. oktober je dan, ki nas spomni na prelomne dosežke reformacije, ki je Slovencem prinesla prve tiskane knjige v slovenščini in postavila temelje za slovenski knjižni jezik. Primož Trubar, oče slovenskega knjižnega jezika, je s Katekizmom in Abecednikom (1550) ustvaril prve natisnjene knjige v slovenščini, medtem ko je Jurij Dalmatin s prevodom Biblije omogočil širšo dostopnost slovenske besede.V prevajalskem podjetju Preteks verjamemo, da je prevajanje mnogo več kot zgolj prenos besed. To je potovanje skozi čas in prostor, kjer ohranjamo in krepimo bogastvo jezika ter omogočamo dostop do znanja in razumevanja med kulturami. 🔗📚Naj nas Dan reformacije spomni na moč jezika in prevajalstva pri ohranjanju in širjenju kulture ter znanja. 🖋️🌍#danreformacije #PrimožTrubar #prevajanje #ohranjanjekulture #slovenskijezik #preteks #povezovanjekultur📖✨ Yesterday, we celebrated Reformation DayOctober 31 reminds us of the pivotal achievements of the Reformation, which brought the first printed books in Slovenian and established the foundations for the Slovenian literary language. Primož Trubar, the father of the Slovenian literary language, created the first printed books in Slovenian with his Catechism and Abecedarium (1550), while Jurij Dalmatin made the Slovenian language even more accessible by translating the Bible.At Preteks, we believe translation is more than just conveying words. It is a journey through time and space, preserving and enriching the wealth of language, connecting cultures, and granting access to knowledge and understanding. 🔗📚May Reformation Day remind us of the power of language and translation in preserving and spreading culture and knowledge. 🖋️🌍#ReformationDay #primožtrubar #translation #CulturalPreservation #slovenianlanguage #preteks #connectingcultures ... See MoreSee Less
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